A CEQA exemption has been given to the enormous mixed-use East Whisman Precise Plan at Rockridge Geotechnical’s 675-685 East Middlefield Road site in Mountain View. The project would replace the existing office complex with a five-building development, which would include 836 units across three residential buildings, 275,000 square feet of office space in a six-story office block, an eight-story parking garage, and additional parking beneath two of the residential structures. Of the 836 units, 150 would be designated as affordable. This project would also include a half-acre of public space, and the development will be transit-oriented, as it will be within walking distance of the Whisman Light Rail Station and Mountain View Caltrain Station.
From SFYIMBY: https://sfyimby.com/2025/01/ceqa-exemption-granted-to-675-685-east-middlefield-road-mountain-view.html