Annunciation Cathedral

The Annunciation Cathedral in San Francisco is a large, four-story Greek Orthodox church. It is part of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco, which encompasses the Pacific region of the United States. Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington are all part of the Greek Metropolis of San Francisco, which contains 70 churches.
Date Completed: 2019
Client: Annunciation Cathedral
Architect: Goldman Architects
Structural Engineer: Dolmen Consulting Engineers
Civil Engineer: BKF Engineers
General Contractor: McNely Construction Company
The new cathedral includes a chapel on the ground floor with a mezzanine and one to two levels of below-grade parking.
Rockridge Geotechnical (RG) performed a geotechnical investigation at the site, consulted with the project team during design, and provided geotechnical services during the project's construction.
The major geotechnical issues at the site were the potential for excessive total and differential settlement from liquefaction, weak and compressible soil, and providing suitable lateral support and dewatering for the required excavation.
Rockridge Geotechnical recommended that the building be supported by a mat foundation bearing on ground improved with compaction grouting to address these challenges.