The Emery

The Emery is comprised of four mixed-use buildings with three architectural styles, each drawing from Emeryville’s industrial heritage while celebrating the city’s future. The development consists of four buildings ranging from five to seven stories tall, public parks and recreation areas, two new internal streets, and an emergency vehicle access road.
Site Area: 8.6 acres
Date Completed: In Progress
Client: Quarterra Multifamily (formerly Lennar Multifamily Communities)
Architect: LPAS Architecture + Design
Structural Engineer: Hohbach-Lewin Inc.
Civil Engineer: Carlson, Barbee & Gibson, Inc.
General Contractor: Quarterra (formerly Lennar Multifamily Builders)
Rockridge Geotechnical (RG) performed a geotechnical investigation at the site, consulted with the project team during design, and provided geotechnical services during construction. Following the geotechnical investigation, Rockridge Geotechnical determined the major geotechnical issues at the site were the potential for liquefaction-induced settlement and bearing capacity reduction, static settlement due to compressible soils, highly expansive near-surface soil, and the potential for differential foundation performance due to the presence of subsurface Installed Remedial Features, including slurry walls and high- and low-permeability fill zones. To address these challenges, the buildings’ foundations were supported on ground improvement consisting of drilled displacement sand-cement columns (DDSCs). In addition to mitigating excessive static and seismically induced settlements to provide increased bearing capacity, DDSCs were selected to reduce the potential for adverse impacts to the Installed Remedial Features and groundwater flow regime, which was reviewed and approved by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC).