2580 California Street

The multiphase project will provide 632 units of housing as well as retail, office, and hospitality spaces.
Site Square Footage: 8.63 acres
Date Completed: 2023
Client: Greystar GP II, LLC
Architect: Seidel Architects
Structural Engineer: KPFF Consulting Engineers
Civil Engineer: BKF Engineers
General Contractor: Greystar Development and Construction, L.P.
Rockridge Geotechnical (RG) performed a geotechnical investigation to support the design and construction of the mixed-use MVSA project. The MVSA project includes the construction of four buildings and the installation of associated infrastructure improvements, including interior streets and courtyards.
The four buildings consisted of three to five stories over one to two levels of below-grade parking garages. The primary geotechnical concerns at the site were the shallow design groundwater relative to the below-grade levels, the presence of medium-stiff clay that was moderately compressible, the potential for differential settlement from the variable basement depths beneath the individual structures, and providing adequate foundation support.