Stellar J Hydrogen Gas Facility
The Stellar J Hydrogen Gas Facility will be a new urban waste thermal conversion facility. This facility, built on the old West Contra Costa County Landfill, looks to create more green energy.
Client: Stellar J Hydrogen
Rockridge Geotechnical (RG) performed a field investigation and prepared a geotechnical report supporting the proposed project. Geotechnical challenges at the site included the presence of heterogenous near-surface fill and a thick layer of weak and highly compressible Bay Mud. Due to the proximity of the Hayward Fault, there is the potential for significant, damaging earthquakes at the site. RG performed a site-specific ground motion hazard analysis to further evaluate the seismic demands at the site. For the design of the foundations, RG recommended stiffened mats constructed on lightweight soil to minimize the potential for long-term settlement.