180 Jones Street
Located at 180 Jones Street in San Francisco, this nine-story development creates 70 units of housing. Of those 70 units, 35 will be subsidized units for adults exiting homelessness, 34 will be for low-income residents, and the final unit will be the manager’s unit. The project will also be seeking a LEED Gold Certification.
Site Square Footage: 4,770 sq. ft.
Date Completed: Under Construction
Client: Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation
Architect: Van Meter Williams Pollack
Structural Engineer: KPFF Consulting Engineers
Civil Engineer: KPFF Consulting Engineers
General Contractor: Cahill Contractors
Rockridge Geotechnical (RG) performed a geotechnical investigation and provided geotechnical services during the construction of a supportive housing complex at 180 Jones Street. The development is nine stories and contains 70 units, and it was constructed at-grade.
The primary geotechnical issues affecting the proposed development included: (1) the presence of loose to medium-dense fill beneath the site that is susceptible to excessive static settlement under new building loads, (2) providing adequate vertical and lateral support for the proposed building, and (3) the presence of neighboring structures with basement level(s) bordering the eastern and southern property lines. RG provided recommendations for the building to be supported by a mat foundation bearing on ground improved with drilled displacement columns. RG provided consultation during final design and construction permit application. RG also provided geotechnical observation and construction services during construction; these services included observation during the installation of the drilled displacement sand-cement column ground improvement system and subgrade preparation for the mat foundation.